Incident - May 17, 1977

On approach to San Juan Harbor for landing the pilot, Brian Lincoln, recognized that the right engine was engulfed in flames. Both engine fire bottles were directed to the #2 engine but the flames were to extensive and the fire continued. #2 engine was shut down and they continued for a single engine landing.
Those on the ground could see the flames trailing the aircraft.
The aircraft landed in proximity to the AAB ramp but the Captain knew there was no time to taxi so he shut down the #1engine and immediately had all passengers evacuate the aircraft.
The passengers with life vest on assisted each other and made their way to shore. The Co-Pilot decided he would take the small cabin fire extinguisher and climb on top of the aircraft to fight the fire from above.
The aircraft was now drifting across the harbor still in flames. The Mallard is a wet wing aircraft, so the fuel tanks are just to the rear of the engines. It was incredible that the aircraft didn't blow. The Captain along with others were yelling at the Co-Pilot to get out of there. He finally jumped and swam to shore. The aircraft continued to drift across the harbor and the fire went out before the Coast Guard arrived.
The station manager started assisting passengers out of the water and handed them Customs Declaration forms and directing them to the office for clearance like nothing ever happened. Everyone was okay, a little shaken up but ready to fly AAB once again... maybe.
The aircraft developed a fuel leak and once the fuel and oil had burned off the flames just went out.
The aircraft was out of service for over a year.