Then & Now
The Antilles Air Boats website tells the story of those bygone years, but the downtown-to-downtown service didn't end. AAB operated from 1964 to 1981 with Virgin Island Seaplane Shuttle continuing from 1982 until Hurricane Hugo in 1989. In 1993 Seaborne Airlines started operations utilizing DHC-6 Twin Otters on floats to continue the seaplane downtown to downtown service . The Virgin Island Port Authority leases both the St. Croix and St. Thomas seaplane terminals to Seaborne. The VI Port Authority renamed both terminals in 2013. The St. Thomas terminal was named for Charles F. Blair Jr. , owner and operator of Antilles Air Boats and St. Croix terminal after Svend Ovesen, the first Virgin Islander pilot at Antilles Air Boats. The renaming of the terminals was not only a tribute to both individuals but keeps the history of Antilles Air Boats alive on the waterfronts of both islands. A little more below.

St. Thomas


Svend A. Ovesen, Jr.

St. Croix

Sven A. Ovesen, Jr.

Antilles Air Boats Goose Lands In St. Thomas Once Again
another recent tribute to AAB